FET (old posts)
New ideas and analysis by Dr Cameron K. Murray
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Game of Mates book
Scrap Superannuation
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Is Chang's economic development really complexity?
I am reading Ha-Joon Chang’s new book Economics: The User’s Guide . About half way through he makes a big effort to explain that GDP is qui...
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Age of entitlement - my SBS Insight notes
With my upcoming debate on entitlement in Australia I though I'd better watch Insight on SBS to see what punters think. If you misse...
Friday, June 6, 2014
NSW hands builders and developers rents, again
NSW is preparing to streamline laws to enable redevelopment of strata-title lots. These new laws give more power to developers attempting t...
Monday, June 2, 2014
Retirement confusion: Savings are not investment
I’m constantly surprised at how fundamental concepts in economics are so easily confused as soon as they are applied to real-life policy. ...
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Quick links: Crony politics, utility, Becker, exports
The Greens proposed in parliament to implement a Federal Independent Commission Against Corruption with similar powers to the NSW Commission...
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Bogus economic excuse for inequality debunked
As I explained yesterday , saving by an individual is usually achieved by buying monopoly assets from others, forgoing consumption in ord...
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Can a nation save?
I want to offer here a brief analysis of how I think about saving and investment, and why it is important to be very clear about these c...
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Unique economics of healthcare
I was prompted to write this follow-up on health economics after seeing a recent post by blogger Noah Smith, who weighs in with some rea...
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Twisted logic of GP fees
The Budget’s proposed $7 GP co-payment fee seems quite benign to many people. After all, if you are genuinely sick or concerned about your...
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
Piketty's wealth tax is real, and it works
As the Piketty-train rolls on it leaves behind it a trail of confusion in economic circles about the proposition to reduce inequality via ...
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